As a first step toward achieving full physics urban capabilities within the GPU-resident large-eddy simulation (LES) FastEddy model, we have implemented and validated a method for explicit representation of building effects. Herein, we extend the immersed body force method (IBFM) from Chan et al. (2007) to: i) be scale-aware (can be applied at any grid resolution) and, ii) control building temperatures. The extended IBFM has the advantage of being computationally very efficient, while retaining the ability of immersed boundary methods to use structured grids. In addition, the extended IBFM has the potential to be coupled to building energy models. The adequacy and accuracy of the IBFM is demonstrated using different test cases, namely a laboratory scale experiment consisting of an array of staggered cubes of 2-cm side and an atmospheric scale test case through simulations of downtown Oklahoma City during the Joint Urban 2003 (JU03) field campaign. Our LES IBFM results for mean wind speed and turbulence kinetic energy compare well to observations, and produce turbulence spectra that are in good agreement with sonic anemometer observations. In addition, quantification of statistical performance metrics for the JU03 simulations are within the range of other LES models in the literature employing body fitted and immersed boundary approaches. All these features of the IBFM, combined with the GPU-enabled accelerated LES modeling in FastEddy will facilitate a path toward realistic street-scale operational weather forecasting in the near future.