Several fog episodes occurred during the field campaign, which were captured by COAMPS with a varying degree of accuracy. In this presentation, we analyze IOPs in which fog has formed and dissipated, and discuss them from the model performance point of view. A NWP model ideally has to capture accurately physical processes on scales ranging over several orders of magnitude from synoptic scale forcing to fog droplets. We tested both single- and double-moment microphysics parameterizations in COAMPS to assess their impact on visibility parameterizations. In addition to comparing a hydrometeor- based visibility methods, we were able to test a method that uses number concentration and liquid water content and evaluate it against the ground measurements.
A novel synoptic mechanism triggering fog formation has been observed, namely an interaction of a mid-latitude baroclinic system, with a tropical cyclone transitioning to extra-tropical stage. Rapid changes in environmental conditions, especially low-level moisture advection over large sea-surface temperature gradient are essential for fog formation, and at the same time challenging accurate prediction of NWP models.