1243 Automated Data Analysis of Near-Real-Time GNSS-PWV Determination Using a Kalman Filter: The Central of Thailand

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Amnat Sompan, Hydro Informatics Institute, Bangkok Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand; Hydro Informatics Institute, Bangkok Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand; and P. Chitsutti, P. Jindasee, and S. Weesakul

Nowadays, being able to know various events is very useful for preparing to deal with the future. Advanced technology and high-performance system help generating mathematical simulations that provide such a prediction. The results are reliable scientific data that can be used as information for decision making for natural disaster preparation and management in order to reduce the damage. This study finds near real-time Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) determination in the troposphere using GNSS data from 20 stations of the interpolated network of related government organizations. These stations are located in central and some eastern area of Thailand. Bernese 5.2 software is used for PWV processing by calculating hourly with Kaman Filter. It improves the accuracy of the result by comparing the calculation with the Post-processing outcomes so that it is reliable enough to use. The result is presented in 3D map of near real-time PWV, and also applied to weather forecasting and rainfall prediction only in certain areas. Therefore, it can be a prototype for further development so that a larger area, because GNSS station will be extended to 222 stations in the future which covered the whole country.
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