1042 A Web-Based Visualization Tool for FACETs

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Rebecca B. Steeves, OU/CIMMS and NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and P. A. Campbell and T. M. Smith

A new dynamic web-based tool for visualizing products within the Forecasting a Continuum of Environmental Threats (FACETs) paradigm is under development. This tool uses open source technologies to display an interactive web map with various datasets pertinent to severe convective weather (e.g., Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor system data; hereafter MRMS data). Real-time or archived data can be displayed by the tool, and end users have the ability to define various time parameters used to configure the displayed data. Users also have the ability to view the data on a number of different technological devices such as desktop computers, tablets, and cell phones due to a responsive design of the web-based visualization tool. The tool is also designed to have a customizable and intuitive interface. For example, users can choose a background from a selection of base maps, control the order of the displayed layers in the web map, utilize a variety of drawing tools, and change the animation speed of the data. Users can also choose to query one or more of the MRMS data layers that are displayed on the map. Additionally, progress bars will appear in the tool to show users that data is loading, and a tutorial that explains various features of the interactive web map is available through the tool. User feedback is utilized throughout the development process to ensure the intuitive nature of the tool, along with its effectiveness. This presentation will show the intuitive interface of the web-based visualization tool, demonstrate the capabilities of the tool, and address plans for its continued development.
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