Poster Session 3 EIPT Posters: Day 3

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 36th Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies
Kevin R. Tyle, SUNY, Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences, Albany, NY and S. S. Lindstrom, Univ. of Wisconsin, SSEC/CIMSS, Madison, WI

Posters from all EIPT topic areas

Applications of MRMS 1-h Swath Data and High-Resolution Hail Reports for Developing an MRMS-Based Hail Climatology
Danya Kay Meadows, OU/CIMMS and NOAA/OAR/NSSL, Norman, OK; and S. S. Williams and K. L. Ortega

Implementing a Polarimetric Hail Size Algorithm for MRMS
Mya J. Sears, OU/CIMMS and NOAA/OAR/NSSL, Norman, OK; and K. L. Ortega and S. S. Williams

Handout (1.2 MB)

Exploring MRMS Merger Options for Polarimetric Moments and Doppler Wind-Derived Products
Benjamin Price, OU/CIMMS and NOAA/OAR/NSSL, Norman, OK; and M. J. Sears, K. L. Ortega, and S. S. Williams

Handout (1.4 MB)

MRMS Product Distributions for NWS Warning Polygons
Zoe A. Douglas, OU/CIMMS and NOAA/OAR/NSSL, Norman, OK; and K. L. Ortega and S. S. Williams

Handout (7.5 MB)

Optimizing Radiation Patterns for Weather Observations through a Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased-Array Radar
Mohammad Hossein Golbon Haghighi, Advanced Radar Research Center, Moore, OK; and G. Zhang

The Weather Company's Global Radar Mosaic Process
William M. Sheridan, The Weather Company, Andover, MA; and S. Honey and J. Tang

Handout (10.5 MB)

A Serverless Architecture for NEXRAD Weather Radar Data Pipeline
Jingyin Tang, IBM, Atlanta, GA; and S. Honey and P. O'Neil

Approaches for Compression of Dual-Polarization Weather Radar Data
Qiangyu Zeng, Chengdu Univ. of Information Technology, Chengdu,Sichuan, China; and J. He and Z. Shi

A Web-Based Visualization Tool for FACETs
Rebecca B. Steeves, OU/CIMMS and NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and P. A. Campbell and T. M. Smith

Quantifying the Benefits of a Simulated Rapid-Scan Weather Radar for Severe Storm Observations
Andrew Mahre, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and T. Y. Yu and D. J. Bodine

Implementation of a Far-Field Tower for Calibrating a Dual-Polarization Planar Phased-Array Radar
Daniel J. Wasielewski, NSSL, Norman, OK; and J. R. Mendoza, I. R. Ivic, and A. Zahrai

Handout (2.4 MB)

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner