ECMWF and its partners in the HiDALGO project ( aim to implement a set of services and functionality to enable the simulation of complex global challenges which require massive high performance computing resources alongside state-of-the-art data analytics and visualization. ECMWF's role in the project will be to enable seamless integration of three pilot applications with its meteorological data and services (such as data exploration, analysis and visualisation) delivered via ECMWF's Cloud and orchestrated by bespoke HiDALGO workflows. The demonstrated workflows show the increased value which can be created from weather forecasts, but also derived forecasts for air quality which are provided by the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS).
The HiDALGO use-case workflows are comprised of four main components: pre-processing, numerical simulation, post-processing and visualization. The core simulations are ideally suited to running in a dedicated HPC environment, due to their large computational demands, coupled with the heavy communication overhead between parallel processes.
This talk will give a general overview of HiDALGO project and its main aims and objectives. It will present the two test pilot applications which will be used for integration, and an overview of the general workflows and services within HiDALGO. In particular, it will focus on how ECMWF's cloud data and services will couple with the test pilot applications thereby improving overall workflow performance and enabling access to new data and products for the pilot users.