The graphs featured in the display are interactive (point-precision read-outs of time series data on mouse-overs, zoom-in/zoom-out capability, and toggling series data). The Analog Ensemble technique is used as a post-processing step to generate probabilistic forecast percentiles that are shown to the user in the display. These features allow grid operators to see the power output forecast at any lead time out to eight days, and provides useful information to operators about the uncertainty in the power forecast at a given time, thus enabling better scheduling of reserves. The display, which has been iteratively developed with regular feedback from both KISR and the grid operators at Kuwait’s National Control Center to maximize its utility to end users, also features historical capabilities to select a prior date/time to see forecasts valid at that issue time and the corresponding observations.
A demonstration of this display will showcase the aforementioned features in addition to some of the tools and technologies that enable the display. A sample screenshot of the KREPS grid operator display for a wind forecast is shown in the figure attached.