530 How MyRadar Is Tackling the Transition to Digital Media for Reliable Weather Information

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Stefanie Lauber, ACME AtronOmatic, LLC, Orlando, FL; and L. Hudson, M. Linden, and S. Garimella

As personal electronic devices become "smarter", more people are turning to digital media to satiate their need for instantaneous information about the world around them. This need for information is not just limited to news and current events, but perhaps even more demanding for weather updates locally and abroad. As the world of mass media continues to evolve, so must weather forecasting.

MyRadar is a consumer-facing smartphone application available free of charge on iOS, Android, and Windows devices. With over 12 million monthly active users, MyRadar is designed for consumption by general audiences as well as by pilots and meteorologists. In addition to sporting innovative features such as hyperlocal push notifications, advanced visualizations, and weather alerts, MyRadar has the only app-based team of digital meteorologists, curating and presenting forecasts nationally and regionally across Android, iOS, and Windows devices. Video forecasts earn a viewership of approximately 2 million monthly views across all platforms. In just a few months, the YouTube channel has surpassed 25,000 subscribers.

The public has come to expect the standard forecast elements of a weather app, and MyRadar is enhancing that experience with the expertise consumers seek in traditional broadcast meteorologists. By merging the convenience of an easy-to-use weather app and the personal trust in a human meteorologist guide, MyRadar is tackling the shift to a digital environment for weather information.

As people continue to "cut the cord" and move away from traditional television services, the need for accurate weather updates will grow more urgent. In the age of "amateur" weather social media accounts a la "Bob's Super Accurate Storm Forecasts", MyRadar is bringing science-based forecasts right to the user's hand, in one app.

Ultimately, the digital direction of the changing media world should focus on communicating weather impacts concisely and efficiently. The shift should promote the efforts to become a "Weather Ready Nation". MyRadar is leading the march toward the next milestone in focused forecasts during life threatening events by increasing the accessibility of reliable weather sources.

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