2.1 Preparing the Future NWS Workforce for Impact Based Decision Support Services (IDSS)

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 10:30 AM
153C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Richard S. Bandy, NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and K. Edwards

Handout (1.2 MB)

The National Weather Service (NWS) is evolving into a paradigm focused on increased customer-centric science- based service, that links observations, forecasts, and warnings with communications and core partner engagement through Impact Based Decision Support Services (IDSS). This evolution will be achieved through a fully-integrated field structure, supported by a collaborative forecast process between national, regional, and local offices, focusing together on “one event, one forecast” operations.

In a step toward achieving this vision, NWS has changed its staffing model to better utilize the expertise of our staff in entry level meteorologist positions to more fully contribute to the forecast operations and provision of IDSS. The GS-5/12 Career Progression Program, combines the Meteorologist Intern and General Forecaster positions at Weather Forecast Offices to create a single career progression up to the GS-12 grade level as part of the “whole office concept”. GS-5/12 Meteorologists will become a part of the same, integrated work unit within Weather Forecast Offices. The combined unit will provide greater staff flexibilities, allowing schedule rotations designed to meet the demands of most operations duties, such as forecasts and warnings, IDSS, data acquisition, upper air launches, climate products, public service and radar interpretations and warnings. Additionally, NWS has updated and prioritized its internal IDSS training, which will further unleash NWS’ potential to fulfill its mission in serving the American people: protecting lives and property by providing actionable, real-time weather, water and climate information to critical decision makers.

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