The most challenging aspect of integrating these new datasets into the CIP algorithm is the changes to the underlying NWP model forecast horizontal grid spacing. Currently the CIP maps gridded observational datasets with a horizontal grid spacing less than 13-km to each 13-km grid cell from the NWP model forecast. Since the HRRR NWP model forecasts have a horizontal grid spacing of 3-km, the methods used to assign a single value to each CIP grid cell from the observational datasets need to be modified or changed completely. The changes to these methods will be a major focus of this work. Once these modifications have been made, additional minor adjustments will be required to use the new NWP model data and then a baseline version of the CIP algorithm using the HRRR NWP model data will exist.
Establishing performance of this baseline CIP algorithm is vital for future development. The adapted algorithm with a horizontal grid spacing of 3-km, as well as the currently operational algorithm with a horizontal grid spacing of 13-km will be run for a one month time period in February of 2019. Icing probability diagnoses will be evaluated using icing PIREPs. These results will be compared to results from a similar evaluation of the icing probability forecasts from the Forecast Icing Product (FIP) algorithm, as well as explicit NWP model forecasts of supercooled liquid water. These results will serve as the benchmark for comparing any additional modifications and adaptations made to the next generation CIP algorithm.
This research is in response to requirements and funding by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official policy or position of the FAA.