The validation of the MiRS products will include temperature and water vapor profiles, total precipitable water (TPW), land surface temperature, land surface emissivity, sea ice concentration, snow cover, snow water equivalent (SWE), rain rate, and cloud liquid water. Reference datasets have been selected for each variable, such as ECMWF and GDAS analysis data, radiosonde profiles (provided by NPROVS), Surface Radiation Budget (SURFRAD), VIIRS, AMSR2 products, Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS), as well as both Stage-IV and MRMS precipitation analyses. Daily comparison results of the MiRS products compared to ECMWF and GDAS analysis data are available on and some portions of this validation study are from the daily comparisons. To assess performance quality, validation results are compared with official JPSS program requirements for each retrieval product (JPSS-REQ-1004).
Additionally, brief examples of preliminary science improvements will be provided. Possible examples include the use of a machine learning approach to characterize scene-specific radiometric biases, and a version of MiRS optimized for retrievals in tropical cyclone environments.