Monday, 13 January 2020: 11:00 AM
Ballroom East (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
A cold and near-record snowy 2018-19 winter season led to widespread significant flooding in the Missouri River Basin watershed in spring of 2019. The “bomb cyclone” on March 13-14, 2019 served as the primary triggering event for much of the lower basin watershed flooding, but blizzards and late season snow lingered into April for the upper basin region. Antecedent wet soil conditions from Fall 2018 contributed to the risk of major flooding. Substantial flooding in South Dakota occurred during the spring snowmelt season. Saturated soils and elevated risk of flash flooding continued through much of the summer with above average precipitation and South Dakota’s third wettest July on record. Annual runoff in the Upper Missouri River Basin is expected to rank as second highest on record. Also in the watershed, northern North Dakota experienced renewed drought concerns in the 2019 warm season. Impacts from extreme cold, blizzards, floods and extreme summertime rainfall events have been wide-reaching in the areas of agriculture, buildings, roads, recreation and other sectors.
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