A simple groundwater module is coupled to the Noah-MP land surface model in WRF. The groundwater module considers vertical processes, such as recharge to the aquifer, and horizontal processes, such as lateral flow to adjacent cells and connectivity to sub-grid rivers. Without groundwater, the free drainage lower boundary condition in the soil model will result in a continuous loss of water throughout the simulations. However, with groundwater, by later summer, water is being transported from the groundwater to the active soil layers and provides a source of moisture, potentially available for evapotranspiration to the atmosphere. This additional moisture source alleviated the warm bias across the entire central U.S. Comparing simulation results to monthly MODIS evapotranspiration and Stage IV radar/gauge precipitation, the simulations with groundwater have much better performance, especially at the end of the summer season. Another important aspect of the groundwater effect is apparent scale dependence that has arisen when conducting simulations at different resolutions. Results are shown at a range of scales (30m to 1km) to assess the resolution necessary to capture these groundwater-atmosphere interactions, which contribute to reducing the summer warm bias. This study emphasizes the importance of including groundwater in seasonal forecasts where groundwater is an active participant in the water cycle and tracks the water as it propagates through components of both the water and energy cycles.