Monday, 13 January 2020: 8:30 AM
258C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
In 1995 NCAR Education and Outreach staff created a public science day, called Super Science Saturday, at the NCAR Mesa Lab in Boulder Colorado. The show featured science demonstrations in the Main Seminar room. The demos, that first year, were an extension of demos created by a scientist in the NCAR climate division to take to local schools with limited resources. NCAR E&O staff took those demos and added to them year after year. Twenty plus years later the demos are today presented as a wizard show to engage families new to and familiar with science practices. Hear about the varied show themes, costumes, and challenges encountered by one of the senior NCAR Wizards! Learn about the unique approach taken by the wizards to truly encompass the ideals embedded in the first of the five E’s in the 5E Instructional Model - Engage!