Lagged regression are conducted to understand how the large atmospheric circulation evolves in association with the each dominant wintertime precipitation mode in China a few pentad in advance. The enhanced precipitation in Southern China in the SVD1 is found to closely related to a major blocking anticyclones centered over Scandinavia and western Russia, a weakened Aleutian Low and a cyclonic anomaly centered over the Tibetan Plateau which all strengthen gradually at lag=-3 to 0 pentad. The diploe-like precipitation over eastern China in SVD2 precipitation mode is associated with the weakened Siberia High and the northward movement of Aleutian low from at lag=-3 to 0 pentad. The wave train originated from both Atlantic and the tropical Pacific Ocean at lag=-3 pentad, and was enhanced by the tropical Pacific Ocean heating at lag=-2 pentad. The dipole convective structure with the enhanced convection over the Indian Ocean and the depressed convection in the tropical western Pacific and weakened Siberia High at lag=-3 pentads could be potential predictive precursor for the diploe-like precipitation mode in eastern China.