Thursday, 16 January 2020: 9:00 AM
152 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Traditionally the #1 customer of data from the National Environmental Satellites Data and Information Service (NESDIS) has been NOAA itself – primarily the National Weather Service. This has changed and NESDIS environmental data is becoming increasingly utilized and gaining value add from other agencies, academic research, non-governmental organizations, and commercial interests. Therefore, science at NESDIS must be more service oriented with the end user or application in mind. NESDIS is positioning to focus more on applied science from headquarters through a reorganization and hiring of a NESDIS chief scientist position. This presentation will discuss how NESDIS will be working more to coordinate across the full value chain of environmental data from observations to products to users. In the future NESDIS will be working to broaden data access as a clearing house of information across traditional government, commercial, and international partner data.