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This paper uses a building typology approach (http://episcope.eu/) to acquire building level data on building material (fabric) and estimated energy demand. It applies this approach to create a geographic database of buildings in the city centre of Dublin (Ireland). The resulting Level 2 dataset can be used to generate UCPs on the thermal and radiative properties of the urban surface for climate models and to run urban building energy models (UBEM) that are capable of simulating neighbourhood scale energy use and evaluating energy policies (see Davila et al., 2016; Reinhart and Davila, 2016). This research contributes the development of a holistic urban modelling initiative by linking the indoor and outdoor climate perspectives, which are traditionally studied in separate disciplines but have shared information needs. In addition, this work contributes to the development of protocols for the generation of consistent and coherent information to support the WUDAPT project.
Ching, J. et al., 2018. WUDAPT: An urban weather, climate, and environmental modeling infrastructure for the anthropocene. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99(9), pp.1907-1924.
Ching, J. et al., 2019, Pathway using WUDAPT’s Digital Synthetic City tool towards generating urban canopy parameters for multi-scale urban atmospheric modeling. Urban Climate (28)100459.
Davila, C.C. at al., 2016. Modeling Boston: A workflow for the efficient generation and maintenance of urban building energy models from existing geospatial datasets. Energy, 117, pp.237-250.
Demuzere, M. et. al., 2019. Mapping Europe into local climate zones. PloS one, 14(4), p.e0214474.
Reinhart, C.F. and Davila, C.C., 2016. Urban building energy modeling–A review of a nascent field. Building and Environment, 97, pp.196-202.