92 Steppe Ecosystem and Climatic Variability (Western Algeria)

Monday, 13 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Bensmira Zaza, Univ. of Mascara, Mascara, Algeria

The pastoral crisis has its origins in the degradation of rangelands, which are the main factor in any activity in steppe areas (Bensmira, 2017). This current degradation of vegetation is the result of interactions of several factors including the climate (Malgrance, 2011). It plays an important role in the distribution and development of plants and soil (Boulaine, 1971 and Torrain, 1995)

To appreciate these climatic fluctuations in space and time, we will pay particular attention to the effects of climate on the evolution of pastoral species.

The municipality of Ras El Ma in the steppe zone is an extreme example. This region, which has become poor despite natural resources, is now suffering from the consequences of climate change.

The pastoral area of southern Sidi bel abbés occupied in the 90s an area of 288305ha which accounted for 72.8% of the total area of the region. This space has decreased in recent decades by 4%. Its area is reduced to 69.9% of the total area.

This reduction of the steppic vegetation cover places the commune of Ras El ma in the category of the highly degraded class. Drought, clearing and overexploitation have caused the disappearance of large parts of steppe facies such as spart, atriplex and sagebrush.

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