This approach reduces the number of applications to about eight, each built on common code in the Unified Forecast System (UFS) based currently on the FV3 dynamical core for the atmosphere, the MOM6 ocean model, the CICE5 sea ice model, and a fully coupled land model. Each application adopts an ensemble approach, and each comes with its own suite of reanalyses and reforecasts for calibration.
The role of the R&D community in building these applications and the new NPS with the UFS will be discussed.
This approach reduces the number of applications to about eight, each built on common code in the Unified Forecast System (UFS) based currently on the FV3 dynamical core for the atmosphere, the MOM6 ocean model, the CICE5 sea ice model, and a fully coupled land model. Each application adopts an ensemble approach, and each comes with its own suite of reanalyses and reforecasts for calibration.