Sunday, 12 January 2020
Ozone is found in abundance in the stratosphere but is also found in smaller, yet more harmful quantities, in the troposphere. This tropospheric ozone can cause public health concerns as well as agricultural damage. The focus of this research project is on the production of ozone in the planetary boundary layer during the day and how it is affected by the nocturnal low-level jet at night. Several methods are presently used to measure ozone concentration in the atmosphere. Ozonesondes can build a vertical profile of the atmosphere but are limited in number while ground stations monitor ozone concentration at the surface. Satellites are also used to measure ozone but do not provide details regarding concentration gradients in the planetary boundary layer. The use of unmanned aircraft systems can allow researchers to build a vertical profile of the planetary boundary layer. The unmanned aircraft system (UAS) is customizable and versatile which gives flexibility to researchers allowing them measure ozone concentrations as well as other atmospheric parameters such as trace gases, temperature, humidity, and aerosols.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner