Poster Session 19 Observations and Instrumentation

Sunday, 12 January 2020: 6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Host: 19th Annual Student Conference

The Calm before the Storm: Comparing the Initial Stages of Tornadic versus Nontornadic Supercells
Lydia Bunting, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK; and A. Avery and J. Jacob

A Comparison of Tornadic Events in Complex Terrain during VORTEX-SE
Lillian A. Frazier, Univ. of Louisiana, Monroe, Monroe, LA; and R. A. Wade and T. A. Murphy

Rainfall Characteristics of Warm-Season Mesoscale Convective Systems in Southeast Texas
Rachel Eldridge, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; and D. T. Conlee

Atmospheric Precipitable Water and Its Correlation with Clear-Sky Infrared Temperature Readings
Vicki Kelsey, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM; and S. A. Riley

GOES-16 Level 2 Land Surface Temperature—Filling for Cloud-Masked Data
Guadalupe Ortega, NOAA/EPP CESSRST, El Paso, TX; and R. Garcia, M. Velez-Reyes, M. Seybold, E. M. Kline, M. McHugh, D. Pogorzala, and C. Burnett

A Comparison between Recorded Rainfall and NexRad-Estimated Rainfall
Rhiannon Fleming, Millersville Univ., Millersville, PA; and R. Clark

Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems for High-Resolution Thermal Mapping: An Application for Freeze–Thaw Remote Sensing
Jeremy M. Johnston, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, VA; and P. Houser and V. Maggioni

Handout (24.5 MB)

Observations of Planetary Boundary Layer Ozone Concentrations Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Cha'Lita Thompson, CAPS, Norman, OK; and E. A. Pillar-Little, T. M. Bell, and B. R. Greene

Capabilities of Kestrel 5000 Instruments as a Flux Tower on Mount Washington
Austin Patrick, Mount Washington Observatory, North Conway, NH; and B. Charles, E. P. Kelsey, and C. Geiger

An Assessment of Snowmelt through a Snowmelt Prediction Model in the White Mountains of New Hampshire
Elizabeth A. Jurkowski, Plymouth State Univ., Plymouth, NH; and E. P. Kelsey

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner