This research examined potential relationships between the variability in the areal extent of the lower-Tropospheric, wintertime cold pool (WCP) over the Great Lakes and the observed AMIC. WCP areal extent was based on area encompassed by the 850mb level -10°C, -5°C, and 0°C isotherms. This presentation focuses upon the relationship between WCP and AMIC, as well as the potential simultaneous influences of the El Nino Southern Oscillation, as well as the Arctic Oscillation, on the AMIC. Results from this work suggest that when using the -10˚C isotherm to define the WCP boundary, there is a statistically significant, positive linear relationship (α=0.05) between the areal extent of the WCP and the observed AMIC. Additionally, while there are statistically significant relationship between the areal extent of the WCP and the observed AMIC for different combinations of ENSO and AO phase, the sample sizes of these combinations are small and further analysis is necessary before any further conclusions can be drawn.