S154 A Sea-Breeze Climatology and Development of the Sea-Breeze Index on the North-Central Gulf of Mexico Coast

Sunday, 12 January 2020
Samantha R. Michlowitz, Univ. of South Alabama, Mobile, AL

May through October is peak season for sea breezes along the North-Central Gulf of Mexico Coast. These breezes commonly lead to thunderstorms. The ability to predict these is difficult. These storms can produce localized flooding and high winds, causing a threat to citizens. The Sea Breeze Index was studied in this area to provide a simple and quick method to predict the occurrence of a sea breeze. In this research, radar data from Mobile Doppler weather radar (KMOB WSR-88D) was reviewed and analyzed for sea breezes for 16 years. Each day was categorized for being a sea breeze day or a non-sea breeze day, as well as the onset time of the sea breeze, which formulates a sea breeze climatology. Using the Biggs and Graves (1962) sea breeze index, the critical value of sea breeze occurrence will be found for the specific geographical location of the Gulf Coast region. Upon results, this sea breeze index will be implemented in the forecasts of the Gulf Coast area.
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