5.2 Sophie's Talk

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 2:15 PM
259B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Sophie Mankins, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA

Oral History is a method of collecting historical data through personal recollections. Although the information collected in an oral history interview is sometimes subjective, it enriches our knowledge by giving us insight into the mindset of the actors in important historical moments. Oral histories can highlight marginalized voices and elements of history that do not otherwise make it into the written record. The AMS Centennial Oral History Project has collected over 50 interviews with AMS members, from Fellows and Past Presidents to Early Career and Student members. These individuals' stories illuminate many important facets of the Society's history and the history of the atmospheric sciences, from networks of mentorships and collaboration, to the challenges women and ethnic minorities have encountered in their careers, to the thought processes that lead to landmark discoveries. The ongoing Oral History Project aims to create an archive of memories which will shed light on these sometimes hidden aspects of the scientific process. The personal nature of the stories makes them an effective communication tool, which can be used for outreach to students at the K-12 and undergraduate levels and to the public, as well as for academic history research.
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