3A.7A Social Science in the VORTEX-SE: Connecting past, present and future research to transform outcomes for our communities

Monday, 13 January 2020: 3:45 PM
151B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Justin Sharpe, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, Norman, OK

Handout (1013.4 kB)

VORTEX-SE has embedded social and behavioral science research since its inception. This has examined vulnerability to tornado risk, communication of these risks and the roles of forecasters in this process. Like all good social science research, the process has been iterative and flexible to new knowledge and understanding underpinned by new evidence.

This brief presentation will provide an overview of the broad research that has been carried out over the past five years as well as exploring ongoing and future directions. Furthermore, a brief overview of my role as social science coordinator and its intended research outputs will be discussed as well as how these findings will inform current and new directions. In particular, I will talk about some of the work I have already been undertaking in carrying out a systematic review of epidemiology work carried out following tornado events as well as a broad analysis of vulnerability studies.

The intention of this brief overview is to inform as well as providing an opportunity for exchanging knowledge and ideas as the VORTEX-SE goes forward.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner