WMO and its international urban expert team is promoting safe, healthy and resilient cities through the development of Integrated Urban Weather, Environment and Climate Services. The aim is to build urban services that meet the special needs of cities through a combination of dense observation networks, high-resolution forecasts, multi-hazard early warning systems, disaster management plans and climate services. This approach gives cities the tools they need to reduce emissions, build thriving and resilient communities and implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
WMO Guidance on Integrated Urban Hydrometeorological, Climate and Environmental Services. Volume 1: Concept and Methodology, WMO-No. 1234. https://library.wmo.int/doc_num.php?explnum_id=9903
WMO Guidance on IUS. Volume 2: Demonstration Cities. June 2019. https://elioscloud.wmo.int/share/s/Rf3EW264RZWGJuLrCuzo9w