Session 6 Integrating Decision Support and Service Delivery to Ensure Use-Inspired Products and Services. Part I

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
252B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: Eighth Symposium on the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise
Stephanie D. Sipprell, NWS Central Region Headquarters, ROC, Kansas City, MO

As the Nation experiences increasing variability and change in precipitation patterns, flooding, drought, and other complex climate and water issues, NOAA’s mission to understand and predict these changes, and to share that knowledge becomes critically important. Key to this effort is the transformation of how products are developed, and how information is translated for the decision- maker. To best serve the public, large organizations must learn ways to implement a coordinated decision support/service delivery mechanism that carefully leverages partnerships and informs the development of use-inspired products and services. To achieve this, user needs must be fully understood; the existing products and services must be known; and the ongoing, frequent engagement for capacity building and response to needs must be regularly evaluated. This session seeks contributions from service delivery and user engagement personnel, as well as from effectively served decision-makers.  Papers should highlight the structure and function of those mechanisms, examples of use-inspired products, and demonstrations of how the needs of the customer are built into the framework of large organizations.

10:30 AM
An Impact-Based Decision Support Service Common Operating Picture for the Record-Breaking Cold in January 2019
Stephanie D. Sipprell, NWS Central Region Headquarters, Kansas City, MO; and A. Foster
11:00 AM
From Products to Services: Engaging Beach Managers to Improve Coastal Resilience in the Great Lakes Region through Scenario Planning
Omar C. Gates, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; and E. A. Theuerkauf, A. Phillips, A. C. Anderson, D. A. R. Kristovich, and L. Briley
11:15 AM
Snow Days, Severe Storms, and Soccer Games: A Coordinated Response to School Safety
Tom Bedard, AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, Wichita, KS; and R. DePodwin
11:45 AM
Graphical Hazardous Weather Outlook (GHWO):A Graphical Display of Weather Hazard Risk for IDSS
Andy Foster, NWS Central Region Headquarters, Kansas City, MO; and D. R. Deroche and G. M. Schoor
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner