Joint Session 22 Hybrid Machine Learning and Statistical Approaches

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
260 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Hosts: (Joint between the 26th Conference on Probability and Statistics; and the 19th Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science )
Stephan R. Sain, Jupiter Intelligence, Earth and Ocean Systems, Boulder, CO and Dorit Hammerling, Jupiter Technology, Boulder, CO

1:30 PM
Using Artificial Neural Networks for Generating Probabilistic Subseasonal Precipitation Forecasts over California
Michael Scheuerer, CIRES, Boulder, CO; and M. B. Switanek, T. M. Hamill, and R. Worsnop
1:45 PM
The Long-Term Frontal System Variation for Future Climate Projections with Machine Learning Weather Classifier
Shih-Hao Su, Chinese Culture Univ., Taipei, Taiwan; and T. S. Yo, C. W. Chang, Y. C. Yu, and J. L. Chu

2:15 PM
Statistical–Physical Microphysics Parameterization Schemes: A Proposed Framework for Physically Based Microphysics Schemes That Learn from Observations
Marcus van Lier-Walqui, Columbia Univ. and NASA GISS, New York, NY; and H. Morrison, M. R. Kumjian, K. J. Reimel, O. P. Prat, S. Lunderman, and M. Morzfeld
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner