Panel Discussion 1 Panel Discussion: Mitigating Aviation Weather Hazards and Managing Operational Impacts in 2050

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
206A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 20th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology
Mike Robinson, The MITRE Corporation, Center for Advanced Aviation System Development, McLean, VA
Craig Wanke, The MITRE Corporation, TFM Concepts and Analysis, McLean, VA; Matthias Steiner, NCAR, Research Applications Laboratory, Boulder, CO; Peter Neilley, The Weather Company, an IBM Business, Andover, MA; Karl Garman, HQ FAA, Office of Commercial Space Transportation, Washington, DC and Mike Kay, SPIRE, Boulder, CO

This session will present a panel comprised of leaders and visionaries from industry, government, and academia to discuss the needs, challenges, and opportunities for managing adverse weather conditions as part of aviation operations in 2050 and beyond. This session follows the overarching theme of AMS centennial celebration: “The AMS Past, Present, and Future: Linking Information to Knowledge to Society (LINKS).”

The panel discussion will provide high-level, imagination-driven description of what experts anticipate will be the biggest interdisciplinary challenges in meteorology and climatology relevant to the ARAM community over the next 50 years. Examples might include the growth of the private space industry, package-delivering drones, and the prospect of air taxis becoming a mainstay of urban transportation. Also to be considered are topics related to potential impacts of climate change on aviation, range and aerospace meteorology.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner