Session 13 Advances in Research and Modeling of Space Weather Drivers. Part I

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
205A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 17th Conference on Space Weather
Valbona Kunkel, NOAA/NWS/EMC via IMSG, Arlington, VA; Robert Robinson, Catholic University of America, Greenbelt, MD and Kelsey Doerksen, Univ. of Western Ontario, Electrical and Computer Engineering, London

Forecasting space weather events presents the ultimate challenge to a space physics model. A forecasting model should satisfy not only observational constraints such as the onset time, severity, and duration of actual events but also the practical requirement of timeliness, accuracy, and robustness under realistic conditions. Modern space weather forecasters and users rely on a wide variety of forecast methods, encompassing simple nonlinear regressions, complex empirical (assimilative) algorithms, physical/theoretical models, and hybrid methods. For a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of solar influences on Earth, models must relate remote sensing data and the driving influences of solar events on the magnetosphere/ionosphere in terms of physical mechanisms.

3:15 PM
3:30 PM
New Insights into the Simultaneous Occurrence of Equatorial Counter Electrojet and Ionospheric Irregularities
Sovit Khadka, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ; and C. Valladares and A. Gerrard

3:45 PM
Observations of Pole-to-Pole, Stratosphere-to-Ionosphere Connection
Larisa Goncharenko, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Westford, MA; and V. L. Harvey, C. Randall, A. Coster, S. Zhang, J. France, and A. Zalizovski
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner