Panel Discussion 2 Policy Leadership in Weather, Water, and Climate. Part II

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Ballroom East (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 15th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice
Paul A. T. Higgins, AMS, AMS Policy Program, Washington, DC; Shali Mohleji, 10227 Parkwood Court, 10227 Parkwood Court, Kensington, MD and Michael Henry, American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD
Kelvin Droegemeier, Director of the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy, Washington DC, DC; Neil A. Jacobs, US Dept.of Commerce/NOAA, Washington DC, DC and Shali Mohleji, 10227 Parkwood Court, 10227 Parkwood Court, Kensington, MD

What do the science policy leaders of The United States envision for the future of Earth system observation, science, and services? How do key federal agencies cooperate and support the broader weather, water, and climate enterprise. How can new collaborations and relationships among public, private, academic and NGO communities be formed and strengthened? This session will provide perspectives of the leaders in federal science policy for weather, water, and climate, at a time when some in Congress and the Administration propose paring back roles and budgets for NOAA, NASA, NSF, USGS, and other agencies at the heart of the weather, water and climate enterprise. Come to this special session to hear from leading policymakers about the current state of federal science and policy.

Invited speakers include leaders from civil agency leaders, such as the NSF, Dept. of Energy, and DoD. 

Co-sponsored by the AMS Policy Program and the American Institute of Physics.
  • Higgins, Paul A. T. (
    • AMS, Washington, DC USA
  • Mohleji, Shali (
    • None, Washington, DC USA
    • IBM, Washington, DC USA
  • Henry, Michael (
    • American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD USA
  • Droegemeier, Kelvin 
    • White House Office of Science & Technology Policy,  ,   USA
  • Jacobs, Neil 
    • Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Environmental Observation and Prediction, Washington DC, DC USA


  • 371196 Introductory Remarks

    • 371058 Policy Leadership in Weather, Water, and Climate. Part II

      • Droegemeier, Kelvin (
        • American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD USA
      • Jacobs, Neil A. (
        • NOAA,  ,    
    • 371197 Panel Discussion

      10:30 AM
      Introductory Remarks

      10:35 AM
      Policy Leadership in Weather, Water, and Climate: Part 2
      Kelvin Droegemeier, Director of the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy, Washington, DC; and N. A. Jacobs
      10:50 AM
      Presentation by Neil Jacobs
      Neil Jacobs, US Dept. Of Commerce, Washington, DC

      11:10 AM
      Fireside Chat

      11:50 AM
      Audience Q&A

      12:00 PM
      Presentation Dr. Neil Jacobs by Neil Jacobs

      - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
      - Indicates an Award Winner