Session 5A AI for Environmental Science. Part III

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
156A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Hosts: (Joint between the 19th Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science; and the Events )
Carlos F. Gaitan, University of Oklahoma, School of Computer Science, Norman, OK

AI applications for Water Quality

1:45 PM
Utilizing Multimedia Modeling and Machine Learning to Assess Dissolved Oxygen as a Proxy for Hypoxia in Lake Erie
Christina Feng Chang, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; and M. Astitha, V. Garcia, C. Tang, P. Vlahos, D. Wanik, and J. Yan
2:00 PM
Using Convolutional Neural Networks for the prediction of groundwater levels
Maximilian Nölscher, German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Berlin, Germany; and S. Broda, H. Häntze, L. Jäger, P. Prasse, and S. Makowski
2:15 PM
Using Machine Learning to Predict Complete Winter Ice Cover of a Freshwater Lake
Campbell D. Watson, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY; and G. Auger, M. Tewari, and L. A. Treinish
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner