Session 5C Seasonal-to-Decadal Climate Prediction. Part IV

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
151A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 33rd Conference on Climate Variability and Change
Steve Yeager, NCAR, CGD, Boulder, CO and Sarah Larson, North Carolina State University, Marine, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences, Raleigh, NC

10:30 AM
Reliability and Usability of Climate Predictions and Projections
Daniel J. Befort, Univ. of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; and C. H. O'Reilly, D. MacLeod, and A. Weisheimer

11:00 AM
Exploring Seasonal-to-Decadal Predictability of Climate Extremes by Combining High-Resolution Climate Modeling with Big Data Analytics (Invited Presentation)
Dan Fu, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; International Laboratory for High-Resolution Earth System Prediction, College Station, TX; and P. Chang, S. Yeager, W. C. Hsu, G. Danabasoglu, L. Wu, and S. Zhang

11:30 AM
Using the Ocean to Identify Forecasts of Opportunity for Decadal Prediction
Benjamin A. Toms, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and E. A. Barnes and J. Hurrell

11:45 AM
Understanding the Role of Decadal Climate Prediction for Flood Risk and Water Resource Management
James M. Done, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and T. Das, H. Lazrus, R. E. Morss, A. Munévar, E. Towler, and M. Tye
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner