Panel Discussion 7 Social Science and the Weather Enterprise: Progress and Future Directions

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
152 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 15th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice
Kathleen Sherman-Morris, Mississippi State Univ., Geosciences, Mississippi State, MS and Michael S. Michaud, University of Delaware, Disaster Research Center, Newark, DE
Julie L. Demuth, NCAR, MMM, Boulder, CO; Jack R. Friedman, University of Oklahoma, Center for Applied Social Research, Norman, OK; William Hooke, AMS Associate Executive Director, Washington, DC; Michael S. Michaud, University of Delaware, Disaster Research Center, Newark, DE and Jennifer Sprague-Hilderbrand, NOAA, NWS, Silver Spring, MD

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner