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Passing shallow cumulus clouds briefly and intermittently reduces the surface solar irradiance. The surface responds by adjusting the balance between sensible, latent and soil heat flux. Precisely how the surface partitions the available energy among these fluxes and how boundary layer motions respond to these brief periods of cloud shading remains unclear. To analyze these relationships, we use a cloud-permitting version of NCAR's Large Eddy Simulation code coupled with the NOAH Land Surface Model. Using initial conditions and forcing from a case during the Southern Great Plains 1997 study, we investigate the following questions surrounding the coupling between shallow cumulus and the land surface: To what magnitude do shallow cumulus clouds affect the surface energy balance on average? How does the surface react to sudden and local net radiation variations? What are the respective roles between the cloud-induced secondary circulations and the solar irradiance reduction on the surface energy balance? What is the atmospheric response to these cloud-induced surface fluxes heterogeneities? How do shallow clouds affect the entrainment rate?
The surface energy balance responds in a highly non-linear fashion to cloud shading leading to different sensible and latent heat flux partitioning on average compared to surfaces interacting with a cloud-free boundary layer. The evaporative fraction increases by about 2-3% in the presence of shallow cumuli. As expected, the solar irradiance reduction drives the surface response. However, the turbulence and the secondary circulations induced by the cloud dynamics increase surface flux spatial variability. Although less than 1.5 km in horizontal scale, the cloud-induced surface heterogeneities impact the atmospheric vertical heat and moisture fluxes to heights well above the surface layer. The cloud roots amplify the drying and the cooling of the subcloud layer; effects that buoyantly compensate each other, which result in average entrainment rates at large time scales that remain unaffected by shallow cumuli.