We parameterize eddies in the TWA framework by representing eddy form drag as vertical diffusion of horizontal momentum and ignoring Reynolds stresses in the EPFT. This results in the parameterization proposed by Greatbatch and Lamb (1990) (GL). After assuming geostrophic balance, this reduces to the Gent and McWilliams (1990) (GM) representation of eddies through the bolus velocity used to advect tracers in the Eulerian-mean flow equations. With the exact TWA framework as a starting point, we show that using GM to represent eddies in the Eulerian-mean flow equations results from ignoring the time tendency and inertial terms associated with the bolus velocity in the TWA residual-mean flow equations. Using Ertel Potential vorticity, we show that the GL parameterization in the TWA framework and the GM parameterization in the Eulerian-mean flow framework impose the same eddy form drag on the flow. After implementing the TWA framework in MPAS-O, we verify our analysis by comparing the flows in an idealized Southern Ocean configuration simulated using the TWA and Eulerian-mean flow frameworks.
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