Monday, 15 June 2015
Meridian Foyer/Summit (The Commons Hotel)
Handout (1.2 MB)
Ocean circulations models often do not explicitly resolve small scale eddies owing to constraints on resolution and computation power, and hence ocean eddy parameterization remains a central problem in numerical modeling of oceans on climatic time scales. Often a proposed parameterization may be tested via implementation in a numerical model, integrating the model forwards in time, and comparing the resulting statistics of the parameterized model against a high resolution eddying reference. Here we take a complementary approach, seeking parameters (such as eddy diffusivities) which yield the minimal mismatch between the parameterized and eddy-resolving model. Eddy parameterization in the quasi-geostrophic limit is considered, and parameter optimization is carried out, with the parameterization quality defined using data from an eddying quasi-geostrophic model. Several parameterization schemes are considered, including potential vorticity diffusion and the Gent-McWilliams scheme, with and without scalings based upon the eddy energy, and the relative performance of the schemes in optimal configurations is discussed.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner