A fine resolution simulation at $1/16$ degree resolution is performed, and used as a reference solution. We also perform simulations at $1/4$ and $1$ degree resolutions with different eddy parameterizations. These parameterizations include three Gent and McWilliams based formulations: a constant eddy diffusivity coefficient, a variable eddy diffusivity following Visbeck/Green, and an eddy diffusivity based on an explicit mesoscale eddy kinetic energy (MEKE) budget. A negative viscosity (backscatter) parameterization based on a subgrid eddy kinetic energy budget is also tested. We analyze results by comparing the mean flow characteristics, isopycnal displacements, energy spectra and eddy diffusivity coefficients between these simulations. Preliminary results indicate only moderate differences between different formulations of the Gent and McWilliams parameterization. It is also shown that at $1/4$ degree resolution, the backscatter scheme outperforms all other eddy parameterizations.