The international HyMeX (Hydrological cycle in Mediterranean Experiment) program investigates the Mediterranean Sea hydrological cycle with an emphasis on the severe events that largely contribute to it. A large part of HyMeX is devoted to the improvement of the prediction skill of high-impact weather events in the area, with notably the development of integrated (multi components) forecast systems. Within this framework, the coupling between the Météo-France kilometer-scale AROME Numerical Weather Prediction model, the NEMO ocean model and the WaveWatchIII model is currently developed at CNRM.
As a preliminary work to the implementation of the ocean-atmosphere-waves coupled forecast system, this study aims to investigate the representation of air-sea exchanges that occur during such events with a focus on the role of the sea state on the turbulent fluxes. For that purpose, an innovative turbulent flux parametrization, named WASP (Wave-Age dependent Stress Parametrization), which takes into account directly the impact of the sea state, has been developed, introduced in the surface scheme (SURFEX) of AROME and tested for a HPE occurring between 12 and 14 October 2016 in South-Eastern France. Preliminary results coming from a set of numerical sensitivity experiments in the forced or coupled mode will be presented and discussed during the conference.