Thursday, 4 June 2009: 11:30 AM
Grand Ballroom East (DoubleTree Hotel & EMC - Downtown, Omaha)
The adjoint model of the Naval Research Laboratory's (NRL) Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Prediction System atmospheric component has important features that make it well suited for a number of sensitivity and data assimilation studies related to mesoscale phenomena. Idealized integrations have been conducted with small horizontal grid spacings (1 km) for predictability studies related to mountain waves. Perturbations created from adjoint sensitivity fields were found to grow by more than an order of magnitude in only a few hours for certain topographic features. In another investigation, gradients with respect to hydrometeor fields computed using the adjoint model of the explicit moist physics parameterization were used to improve precipitation forecasts. More recently, a unique nesting capability has been added to the adjoint model so that sensitivities for relatively fine scale features can be computed in an efficient manner. The adjoint model has also been run in real time to provide guidance indicating sensitive regions for a tropical cyclone field campaign. Currently, the adjoint model is being incorporated into NRL's next generation data assimilation framework as well as an observation sensitivity system.