In earlier, unpublished research, we investigated the physical mechanisms of CAD erosion within the context of the bulk Richardson number, evaluated in the inversion layer near the top of the CAD cold dome. Processes that increase shear or reduce the strength of the inversion can potentially promote mixing and CAD erosion. Examination of the erosion of 90 observed CAD events indicates that cold advection aloft is the most effective erosion process. This often happens in conjunction with a cold-frontal passage, or cold advection in the wake of a coastal cyclone. Near-surface warming associated with solar heating is an effective erosion mechanism in cases of broken or scattered cloud cover. Lower-tropospheric divergence within the cold dome reduces the depth of the cold air, and can be associated with subsidence and drying within the dome.
Several aspects of model representation of CAD erosion processes are investigated using WRF model simulations of a case study from October 2002. The sensitivity to cloud-radiation interaction, the planetary boundary layer scheme, and the shallow mixing component of the convective scheme are evaluated. These results indicate that while all of these model components can affect predictions of CAD erosion, the shallow mixing component in the convective scheme may be most responsible for overly aggressive CAD erosion in operational model forecasts.