Session 8B |
| Intraseasonal variability II |
| Chair: David J. Raymond, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, DF Mexico
| 3:45 PM | 8B.1 | Climatological spatial and temporal features of the Madden-Julian oscillation  Wen-wen Tung, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and G. N. Kiladis |
| 4:00 PM | 8B.2 | A comparison of the convective and heating structures in Kelvin waves and the Madden-Julian Oscillation Katherine H. Straub, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA; and G. N. Kiladis and P. T. Haertel |
| 4:15 PM | 8B.3 | A New Multi-Scale Model for the Tropical Intra-seasonal Oscillation Andrew Majda, New York University, New York, NY; and J. Biello |
| 4:30 PM | 8B.4 | Ocean-atmosphere interaction and intraseasonal oscillations in the modified NCAR CAM2.0.1 coupled to slab oceans of varying depths  Eric D. Maloney, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; and A. H. Sobel |
|  | 8B.5 | Suppressed phases in tropical intraseasonal variability: Modeling of preconditioning Judith A. Curry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA; and P. J. Webster |
| 4:45 PM | 8B.6 | Pursuing realistic intra-seasonal wave modes using a novel approach to convective parameterization  Richard B. Neale, NOAA-CIRES/CDC, Boulder, CO; and B. E. Mapes |