26th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

Thursday, 6 May 2004: 8:15 AM
Parametric Wind Modelling at the Canadian Hurricane Centre
Napoleon II Room (Deauville Beach Resort)
Allan W. MacAfee, MSC, Dartmouth, NS, Canada
Poster PDF (91.2 kB)
The wind field around any given tropical cyclone can be quite accurately depicted using a parametric wind model, if the driving parameters are accurately determined. However, the dominant parameters in most formulations, radius of maximum winds and size, are not readily available for historical storms and real-time systems not traversed by research aircraft or within radar coverage. For cyclones moving into the mid-latitudes additional complications arise due to synoptic interactions that lead to extra-tropical transition. As well rules-of-thumb and statistical relations developed for mostly southern latitude systems may not be appropriate at mid-latitudes.

A review of techniques used to assess and adapt parametric models to mid-latitudes will be presented. The predictive mode of the modified, desktop models will be demonstrated in addressing maximum wave potential due to resonance.

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