The Doppler velocity data from Hurricane Isabel revealed the presence of a significant number of rolls in the HBL. The rolls are easily identified on the SMART radar images, as areas of strong localized horizontal wind shear due to vertical mixing of winds of different intensities. Indeed, the counter-rotating structure of the rolls generates updraft and downdraft regions responsible for the vertical transport of momentum. Strong winds at the top of the boundary layer are then transported downward while weaker winds originally closer to the surface are moved upward, resulting in horizontal differences in wind speed as depicted on the high resolution radar images. This study will investigate this transport of momentum and its potential reflection on the surface wind field. A time domain analysis of the surface wind speed data collected from the towers will be performed. Likewise, radar data from the lowest parts of the rolls will be examined for the same time period. The two data sets will then be correlated in order to document any link that might exist between perturbations on the surface wind field and the roll circulation.
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