26th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

Tuesday, 4 May 2004: 2:00 PM
The longivity of the Dvorak TC intensity technique in the Pacific and Indian Ocean regions
Le Jardin Room (Deauville Beach Resort)
Charles Guard, NOAA/NWSFO, Tiyan, Guam
Poster PDF (102.7 kB)
This paper investigates the impact of the Dvorak tropical cyclone intensity technique in the western Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean regions. Over the last three decades, the Dvorak technique has been the primary source of intensity information for more than 30,000 tropical cyclone warnings in these regions where about 1 billion people are directly threatened by these devastating storms. Despite the many advancements in satellite sensor technology over this period, the Dvorak technique has remained the primary satellite tool of choice. The paper reviews the basic assumptions on which the technique was based, and relates them to it’s long-term success and survival. It identifies some of the common miss-applications of the technique, and briefly discusses some regional modifications and enhancements.

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