An idealized tropical mesoscale convective system is simulated using both bulk and spectral bin version of GCE model. The model is initialized with a sounding observed during TOGA COARE experiment. Three sensitivity tests using identical initial and environmental conditions are discussed in this study: simulation using a bulk type microphysical scheme, bin spectral simulation for dirty/polluted air (high CCN concentration), and bin spectral simulation for clean/background air (low CCN concentration). It is shown that variation of cloud CCN has significant impact on storm dynamics. While the dirty air scenario produces similar total rain amount as bulk simulation, the clean air scenario produces much less rain. Convection in clean air scenario is less intense and less organized. There is very little ice involved in the later stages of clean air simulation, whereas ice remains an important part throughout dirty air simulation. The reason of the dichotomous dynamical responses is linked to different cloud droplet sizes, ice microphysics and the cool pool intensity. Changes on average cloud radiation characteristics caused by different aerosol concentrations and implications on cirrus cloud formation will also be discussed.
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