26th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

Tuesday, 4 May 2004: 10:45 AM
Convective and Stratiform Rain Variations from TRMM Observations
Napoleon I Room (Deauville Beach Resort)
Song Yang, George Mason University, greenbelt, MD; and K. -. S. Kuo and D. Sidla
Since the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite was launched in November 1997, TRMM rain products have been evolved from its initial version 4 to soon-to-be version 6. Four different rain products for February 1998 and January 2001 - April 2002 from TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI), Precipitation Radar (PR) and combined TMI/PR rain retrieval algorithms have been analyzed. We first demonstrate that the new version rain products have been improved systematically against previous versions. Then, convective/stratiform rainfall from the new datasets is investigated for their temporal-spatial distributions. Characteristics of intraseasonal and interannual variations of convective/stratiform rainfall will be discussed. Differences of convective/stratiform rainfall from different algorithms are further investigated in order to explain their discrepancies.

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