26th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

Thursday, 6 May 2004: 8:30 AM
Interaction of binary cyclones in northeastern Pacific Ocean
Napoleon III Room (Deauville Beach Resort)
Enrique Buendía, Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, UNAM, México City, Mexico; and O. Delgado, A. Meulenert, and C. Vázquez
The characteristics of binary systems and Fujiwhara interaction (1921,1923 and 1931), consist in this: when the binary vortex system begins to rotate cyclonically, the vortex that was located at the east, turns Northward and Northwestward and by this reason, these systems impact against the Sierra Madre del Sur. The binary interaction ends because of the impact and the remnants move parallel to the mountain range. In both cases of trajectories, the binary system behaves according to Lander and Holland (1993).

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