26th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

Wednesday, 5 May 2004
Three or four vortexes afectation to the Mexican Republic
Richelieu Room (Deauville Beach Resort)
Enrique Buendía, Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, UNAM, México, D. F., Mexico; and F. J. Villicaña and E. Azpra
After observing that some hurricanes nearby nearby the south coast of mexican republic are accompanied by two or more mesoscale convective vortexes (MCV)and the set behaves in the fujiwhara manner, it is notable the great amounts of rain that it is produced for Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero and Michoacan, because one of them enters to the coast. These kind of events are not uncommon in summer. They are noted when a group of these vortexes are nearby the mexican republic. In these systems, it is possible that the more intense makes landfall (Beatriz,1993; Boris, 1996; Calvin 1993); however many times it is the weaker one that affects the coast, because there exist an interaction that produces a movement toward north or north-west. The interaction between a hurricane and the MCV ends when one of them makes landfall. In this work it is presented some numerical simulations of this kind of events and how the hurricane trajectory forecast is improved when bogusing for the initial data of a numerical model.

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