Thursday, 8 November 2012: 10:45 AM
Symphony I and II (Loews Vanderbilt Hotel)
During the second field phase of VORTEX2, a slow moving supercell thunderstorm was observed just northeast of Denver, Colorado by the entire mobile armada on 26 May 2010. In this study, observations from five mobile radars: SR1, SR2, NOXP, DOW6, and DOW7 along with surface thermodynamic measurements from the fleet of mobile mesonets have been used to analyze the wind and thermodynamic structure of the storm for the period 2226 UTC to 2330 UTC. Preliminary analysis from 2230 UTC to 2240 UTC reveal the cyclic nature of the storm with an occluded circulation exiting the rear of the storm simultaneously with the development of a new low-level mesocyclone along the leading edge of the hook echo. A pulse in the strength of the rear flank downdraft (RFD) around 2240 UTC was associated with a slight increase in the vertical vorticity maxima within the main updraft. Yet, the high base storm was unable to generate a strong enough small-scale circulation to produce a tornado vortex signature. Further multi-scale analyses showing the evolution of the storm and comparing its RFD evolution to storms that did produce tornadoes will be presented.